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Ravencraft 9th Epoch - Inspiration Gallery

Mushroom Town!

All buildings must be built out of, under, or on to, some type of fungus. Builds may also be such things as tree stumps with shelf fungus, or fallen logs supporting fungii and plants. Buildings should be of a medieval or fantasy type. Large-scale flowers, ferns and other plants are welcome as "accessory builds" to add variety!

Below are some images and notes for inspiration.

Red Hot Milk Cap

An outdoor shop could go under a stand of smaller mushrooms


Lethal 'shrooms for a Nether Goods shop?

Notice the companion plants with the mushroom

Fly Amanita

Model for market stalls?

Another small cluster - possibly build an elevated shop around the stems!

Laetiporus sulphureus shelf fungus!

A possible roof for a large shop build - with the stems as pillars inside the shop?






This just screams "I will kill you!"

Underside detail


Support for buildings on a hillside?
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